Saturday, November 8, 2014

Blog Post 10

Through ED 100 and my blog post we have discussed many different issues with the education system and different techniques and styles of teaching. There are many things that I find I have frequently discussed in my blog post. These things included, student-teacher relationships, student engagement, a well-rounded school, teacher self-reflection, diversity amongst students including race, sex, and age, connecting students home life with their classroom life and state testing. The biggest thing that has stuck out to me in my post though is the incorporation of many of these ideas to create a classroom community. I feel that a classroom should be a place where kids feel safe. In order for this to be achieved teachers need to not only make trusting relationships with their students in the classroom but, they also need to get to know their students outside the classroom. They can do this through building relationship with the students' parents/guardians, attending the things the students are interested in and bring the students interests into the classroom. In order for teachers to do this it takes a lot of work and extra time out of a teachers life outside the classroom. This is usually not something that comes natural to a teacher. It definitely takes a certain type of person to be a good teacher and once that person is found it takes continual work for them to become the best teacher for their students possible. I hope through my continual learning I will one day be able to be one of those teachers who has a great classroom community for my students.

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