Saturday, October 11, 2014

Blog Post 6

While reading chapter 8, page 108 caught my attention. Page 108 talks about how both the student and the teacher need to authenticate each others thinking. This made me think about a teacher I had in high school, Ms. Flint. I had her for 10th and 11th grade for U.S. and World History. Every few weeks Ms. Flint would shut down the smart board and either stand or sit on the desk depends on her mood for the day and she would allow us to talk about whatever we want to. Discussion would often lead to controversial topics that we as students were facing. This was a time that allowed students to talk about things such as drinking or sexual orientation. These conversations really surprised me on how open students were with our teacher. I feel like this really showed how much the students respected that the conversation would stay in the classroom. Because of this openness many of the students looked at Ms. Flint as someone they could trust and could go to when a problem occurred knowing she would know what to do. I feel more teachers need to take an approach as she did. Maybe it doesn't need to be to the extreme that she did but I feel a little more understanding from the teachers would allow the communication between students and teachers to improve.

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